Banana- XT60 charging Cable
- Order number: CAB-BOAT-3

// XT60 adapter and cable for LiIon Baitboat Batteries
Banana XT Adapter (Robbe Charger - LiIon Batterie)
If the adapter required for connecting the battery to the charger has been lost, you can reorder it here. Please make sure that you always disconnect the battery at the adapter, and do not remove the adapter from the charger as long as the battery is connected. The open ends of the adapter can cause a short circuit.
XT60-T-Adapter(RT4 Baitboat New and Old Batterytype Connector)
The first RT4 BaitBoats we’ve built were equipped with the T-connectors (red). Because they were made out of copper, these plugs tended to oxidize over the years so we‘ve replaced them by the new XT60 plug. These have the advantage that no oxidation can occur due to the gold-plated poles, which means that the connection to the battery remains intact under all conditions. All batteries produced in the meantime are also equipped with the new XT60 connectors. In order to still be able to give our customers the possibility to purchase replacement batteries with the predecessor plugs (T), the adapter from T to XT is now available.
Please note that there are 2 options available:
1.) T-connector in the boat to XT-connector at the battery or
2.) XT plug in boat to T plug on battery
1,5M XT60 Extension Cable ( LiIon Batterie to Transmitterbox)
XT60 Male - 150mm Kabel - XT60 Female Connection

![RT4 / RT7 Baitboat Pod COMPACT SILVER with universal bankstick thread [Delivery WITHOUT Banksticks.] RT4 / RT7 Baitboat Pod COMPACT SILVER with universal bankstick thread [Delivery WITHOUT Banksticks.]](https://www.carplounge.co.uk/media/image/3e/47/92/0003964_rt4-compact-boatpod-new-V7uJ_200x200.jpg, https://www.carplounge.co.uk/media/image/d2/19/1b/0003964_rt4-compact-boatpod-new-V7uJ_200x200@2x.jpg 2x)

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