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Ed Skillz - RT4 - 4 years in action :)

'' My RT4 can't be broken, no matter if it's in the river, in the canal or on huge lakes, in combination with the fantastic Echo and GPS, the baitboat always finds its way to the spot and back to me.''

Ed Skillz //CEO CarpCrossing

"In autumn 2018, my RT4 celebrates its 4th anniversary! I have been using it all over Europe since 2015 and it has regularly proven itself in challenging situations. Before my RT4, I had several other baitboats from England, Holland and Germany, none of them survived hardcore usage!

On the other hand, my RT4 is indestructible, no matter whether it's in a river, a canal or on huge lakes, in combination with the fantastic Echo and GPS, the boat always finds its way to the spot with pinpoint accuracy and, above all, safely back to me.

Most recently, a massive ship came towards my RT4 on a large river, and with the powerful HPD brushless motors I was able to bring it quickly to a safe area despite the strong current!

Even after 4 years I am still impressed by the reliability and power. Handmade @ Carplounge - simply unrivalled! "

Ed Skillz //CEO CarpCrossing

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