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Alan Blairs RT4 ausgeliefert - Nash Airbrush Design!

“ The Carplounge boats are simply a class of their own due to the constant further development! ”

Alan Blair – Nash Tackle & Baits Manager // UK

Nash Mananger – Alan Blair is not really a big baitboat fan: ”No question – a Baitboat has its advantages: The exact placement of rigs and bait in hard-to-reach areas, at night or over long distances makes fishing more effective.

So far I was more frustrated when I had to use a Baitboat: something was broken, the batteries were empty too fast or the wireless echo sounder image is just not enough to find the good spots. After trying out a few different Baitboats – and none of them was reliable – I lost interest in the topic.

I have been able to observe Carplounge and the rapid growth of the company over the last few years at the big trade fairs: The Carplounge boats are simply a class of their own due to the constant further development!

Last but not least my Nash Team colleagues like Steve Briggs, Olaf Barz, Marc Voosen and Rene Breitenstein, who have been using the RT4 boats for more than 6 years, but then moved me to buy my own Baitboat again – but this time the right one.

At the Carp Zwolle fair at the beginning of 2019 I took the opportunity and was advised by Alex and his team. I am especially impressed by the individualization possibilities. Besides the hardware selection (engines, echo sounder, GPS, autopilot…) the Carplounge Design Team also built the boat optically according to my wishes:

Airbrush individual Design: Nash Camo + Dark Matt Lack + Blackline + Nash Logo

…..WOW WOW WOW – it looks SiCk Bro X!!!

End of April I will go away with the lads and film the ‘Social Three’ – I am certain that I will be able to utilise my new RT4 within my angling and of course the film. ''

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